Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Culinary Arts: Garde Manger Essay

One of the major problems with cross-language translations involving those that are rarely used together (i. e. Finish Lithuanian) is that there are no dictionaries available or it is extremely difficult to find one. The main problem is that there are not enough people to create a market and no one would invest in creation of such kind of dictionaries. English-based dictionaries, however, is of abundance. This project tackled the above cited problem in Cross Language Translation using English as its base dictionary. Artificial intelligence through Neural Networks was used as it appeared well-suited to problems of this nature. For this reason, artificial intelligence through neural networks was investigated as a potential tool to improve translation accuracy but future implementation was left as a possibility. WordNet ® was also investigated as source of defining English words and possible tool to achieve greater accuracy in cross-language translations. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have contributed in any way, shape or form to the completion of this project report, those at Zodynai. org and the Anglia Ruskin University for their advice and support. Thanks to my friends and family who (once again) tolerated my lack of time and sometimes grumpy demeanour. More thanks to friends at Anglia Ruskin University for their ideas and criticism. Your support (directly and indirectly) is greatly appreciated. T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ABSTRACT Acknowledgements TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVES METHODOLOGIES DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSION CONCLUSION AND EVALUATION BIBILIOGRAPHY APPENDICES A Project Specification B User/Software Installation Guide A C Software Installation Guide B D Poster and Visual Presentations E Source Code F Abbreviations and Acronyms INTRODUCTION The multilingual world and the barriers it entails. A large number of people across the world converse in English thus it serves as the primary lingua franca for developments in the research world. Most publications and journals are published in such language. This leaves publications in other languages inaccessible and apparently, information in English is withheld from those millions who do not speak English (Diekema 2003) Recent trends promote the construction of a far-reaching complex infrastructure for transporting information across boundaries. Apparently, language shares a vital portion in the hindrances presented by National borders. Whilst the fact is inevitable that English remains the most spoken language in the whole world and though, it is true that the spread of ‘World English’ can promote cooperation and equity, longstanding linguistic competition threatens to be even more divisive in a globalizing world. (Maurais et al n. d. ) A lot is currently going on to overcome these linguistic barriers. The most efficient approach to overcoming such is with cross-language translation and in this literature it will well be mostly in the web-based-online-dictionary aspect of such approach. English has always been the main focus of information retrieval, well, that is by tradition. Many of them retrieval algorithms and heuristics stem from English speaking countries and thus are based on the said language. Over the years, these retrieval methods have been adopted by other language communities, creating a wide selection of language-specific monolingual retrieval systems. However, to ensure complete information exchange, information retrieval systems need to be multilingual or cross-lingual. (Diekema 2003) There are a lot of ways to pin down the hindrance of being in this multi-lingual world, the barrier of being in a world divided by being in English- or Non-English-speaking territories. And, as presented, the most researched approach is through Cross-Language translation. OBJECTIVES Main problem that we are facing when translating with English based dictionary is connecting various language data bases. One of solutions for this program is to create a base dictionary (as seen in Figure 1). Figure 1 Other major problem is that performing translation a lot of noise is created. As seen in Figure 2. Figure 2 We can examine this in greater detail in Figure 3. Word Autobusas is translated from Lithuanian language to Russian based on English language. Two different possible translations occur (bus, omnibus) when translating Lithuanian -> English. First word â€Å"bus† translated from English to Russian has three meanings â€Å"Ð °Ã ²Ã'‚Ð ¾Ã ±Ã'Æ'Ã' Ã¢â‚¬  †Ã ¾Ã ¼Ã ½Ã ¸Ã ±Ã'Æ'Ã' Ã¢â‚¬  †Ã'ˆÐ ¸Ã ½Ã °Ã¢â‚¬  word translated. As first few are synonyms third one has totally different value and meant â€Å"Topology bus†. As you can see on reverse translations †Ã'ˆÐ ¸Ã ½Ã °Ã¢â‚¬  will going to give you four different meanings translated in Lithuanian language. Figure 3 We are going to investigate WordNet and Neural networks approach for possible solution of this problem. METHODOLOGIES Cross-Language Information Retrieval, its promise. Information retrieval entails an individual querying about something of interest to him. Inevitably, since we are life forms known to be ever inquisitive, we do Information Retrieval in every aspect of our living. This event so commonly happens in a lot of situation and may be best displayed in a Library when a student picks his book of choice. Formally, let us define Information Retrieval (IR) as the process in which users with information need query a collection of documents to find those documents that satisfy his need. (Diekema 2003) In the electronic realm, the user queries by typing in related words, the system then processes these keywords to create a representation understandable by the system. In the course of the procedure, the system usually strips off non-bearing fragments of the query keywords such as articles like determiners, prepositions, and pronouns. The document collection undergoes the same process resulting to a list of document representations or a catalogue. To find documents that are similar to the query, the ‘stripped off’ query representation is then matched against the catalogue. When a certain degree of similarity between the catalogue and the ‘stripped off’ query has been established, the documents with the uppermost similarity scores (depending on the settings, say top 10) are shown to the user as results. This occurs typically during browsing through the internet and Google. comTM best displays this example. A development of IR is CLIR – the Cross-Language Information Retrieval, which, as the name implies, is information retrieval in a multi-linguistic environment. Consequently, CLIR techniques simplify searching by multilingual users and allow monolingual searchers to judge relevance based on machine translated results and/or to allocate expensive translation resources to the most promising foreign language documents. (Diekema 2003) Simple IR systems only consist of a Query, an Input Cleanser, a Matcher, the Document database and the Output, in logical order. The addition of Language Translators would make this system a Cross-Language Information Retrieval system. Of course the Document database would now contain multi-lingual entries as well and the output is to be presented in the way the query has been placed in the input. Figure 4 would show the Cross-Language Information Retrieval system in schematics. The method Cross-language Retrieval Systems promises users to state their queries in their native language and retrieve documents in all the languages supported by the system. (Diekema 2003) Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Artificial intelligence (AI) results to simulation of intellectual practice such as comprehension, rationalization and learning symbolic information in context. In AI, the automation or programming of all aspects of human cognition is considered from its foundations in cognitive science through approaches to symbolic and sub-symbolic AI, natural language processing, computer vision, and evolutionary or adaptive systems. (Neumann n. d. ) AI considered being an extremely intricate domain of problems which during preliminary stages in the problem-solving phase of this nature, the problem itself may be viewed poorly. A precise picture of the problem can only be seen upon interactive and incremental refinement of course, after you have taken the initial attempt to solve the mystery. AI always comes hand in hand with machine logistics. How else could mind act appropriately but with the body. In this case, a machine takes the part of the body. In a bit, this literature will be tackling about AI implemented through Neural Network. The author deems it necessary though to tackle Machine learning and thus the succeeding paragraphs. Machine Learning is primarily concerned with designing and developing algorithms and procedures that allow machines to â€Å"learn† – either inductive or deductive, which, in general, is its two types. At this point, we will be referring to machines as computers since in the world nowadays, the latter are the most widely used for control. Hence, we now hone our definition of Machine Learning as the study of methods for programming computers to learn. Computers are applied to a wide range of tasks, and for most of these it is relatively easy for programmers to design and implement the necessary software. (Dietterich n. d. ) Machine learning techniques are grouped into different categories basing on the expected outcome. Common types include Supervised, Unsupervised, Semi-supervised or Reinforcement learning. There is also the Transduction method and the ‘Learning to learn’ scheme. A section of theoretical computer science, Computational Learning Theory is the investigation on the computation of algorithms of Machine Learning including its efficiency. Researches on Machine Learning focuses mainly on the automatic extraction of information data, through computational and statistical methods. It is very much correlated not only to theoretical computer science as well as data mining and statistics. Supervised learning is the simplest learning task. It is an algorithm to which it is ruled by a function that automatically plots inputs to expected outputs. The task of supervised learning is to construct a classifier given a set of classified training examples (Dietterich n. d. ). The main challenge for supervised learning is that of generalization that a machine is expected in approximating the conduct that a function will exhibit which maps out a connection towards a number of classes through comparison of IO samples of the said function. When many plot-vector pairs are interrelated, a decision tree is derived which aids into viewing how the machine behaves with the function it currently holds. One advantage of decision trees is that, if they are not too large, they can be interpreted by humans. This can be useful both for gaining insight into the data and also for validating the reasonableness of the learned tree (Dietterich n. d. ). In unsupervised learning, manual matching of inputs is not utilized. Though, it is most often distinguished as supervised learning and it is one with an unknown output. This makes it very hard to decide what counts as success and suggests that the central problem is to find a suitable objective function that can replace the goal of agreeing with the teacher (Hinton & Sejnowski 1999). Simple classic examples of unsupervised learning include clustering and dimensionality reduction. (Ghahramani 2004) Semi-supervised learning entails learning situations where is an ample number of labelled data as compared to the unlabelled data. These are very natural situations, especially in domains where collecting data can be cheap (i. e. the internet) but labelling can be very expensive/time consuming. Many of the approaches to this problem attempt to infer a manifold, graph structure, or tree-structure from the unlabelled data and use spread in this structure to determine how labels will generalize to new unlabelled points. (Ghahramani 2004) Transduction is comparable to supervised learning in predicting new results with training inputs and outputs, as well as, test inputs – accessible during teaching, as basis, instead of behaving in accordance to some function. All these various types of Machine-Learning techniques can be used to fully implement Artificial Intelligence for a robust Cross-Language translation. One thing though, this literature is yet to discuss the planned process of machine learning this research shall employ, and that is by Neural Networks. There is yet to be a precise definition as to what Artificial Neural Network is, though many researchers would agree that it concerns a network of austere processing elements – otherwise known as the neurons, which presents complex behaviour established by the relationship amongst processing and parametrical elements. The main inspiration that lead to the development of this technique was from the investigation of, no lesser than, our Central Nervous System and the neurons (including their axons, dendrites and synapses) which make up its most important information processing elements. A neural network model would show us that simple nodes are connected forming a network of nodes — thus, its coining as â€Å"neural network. † A Neural Network functions in 2 different manners – learning and testing. The former would literally mean, the system learns the ways it is supposed to behave while the latter is when rigorous repetition of training would eventually result to a stable system, defined by its giving of constant satisfactory outputs. Most â€Å"abstract reasoning† of an Artificial Neural Networks are being implemented through three learning types – supervised, unsupervised and the reinforced learning, as has been introduced in the preceding paragraphs. Supervised learning entails a functional relationship between the input and the output. The system has to learn every possible IO pair that can be thought of. In case, there is a miss, all that has to be done is to input the said pair into the memory of the system hence when it resurfaces, the system knows how the handle it. Hence, basically, the goal is to ‘teach’ the network to identify the given input with the desired output. (Sordo 2002) This is usually best achieved when function f has already been derived to represent the behaviour of the Neural Network system. For unsupervised learning, we feed an input and a function to the system and record what behaviour the system outputs with such input and function. To begin with the learning process, there are no IO-pairs as opposed to supervised learning. Ultimately, the main goal of achieving the stable state will be attained through rigorous repetition of test with different sets of inputs. This type of systems – imploring unsupervised learning as its method of learning, are best displayed in statistical modelling, and the likes. Reinforcement learning stems its roots from the related psychological theory that has been conceived even before AI has been. Dynamically, in this type of learning, the machine interacts with its environment by producing actions a1, a2, †¦ These actions affect the state of the environment, which in turn results in the machine receiving some scalar rewards (or punishments) r1, r2, †¦ The goal of the machine is to learn to act in a way that maximizes the future rewards it receives (or minimises the punishments) over its lifetime. Reinforcement learning is closely related to the fields of decision theory (in statistics and management science), and control theory (in engineering). The fundamental problems studied in these fields are often formally equivalent, and the solutions are the same, although different aspects of problem and solution are usually emphasised. (Ghahramani 2004) Advantages of investing a system through Neural Networks. Neural networks with always have the outstanding characteristic of deriving intelligence from the usually complicated and, oftentimes, fuzzy data stored in the neurons. These systems, oftentimes, offer to be easy utilities to deduce patterns and perceive trends that are difficult to be noticed by either human observation or by our current computer intelligence. A trained neural network is regarded as an â€Å"expert† in the category of information it has been given to analyze. This expert can then be used to provide projections given new situations of interest and answer â€Å"what if† questions. (Chung et al 2007) It is used for adaptive learning on how to handle tasks based on the input provided for training or preliminary experience. It is a self-organizational tool that hones its own picture of the data it receives in as early as learning time. Neural networks another feature is that it is a real-time operation system where all calculation may be performed in parallel. Fault Tolerance via Redundant Information Coding is another aspect of the neural system where partial destruction of a network leads to the corresponding degradation of performance. However, some network capabilities may be retained even with major network damage. The platform to a successful implementation. Several environments can be used in totally implementing a Cross-Language Translator through with the various and fast developments in computer technology since its introduction. In the succeeding paragraphs we will be tackling some of those that has come the author’s A-list. Microsoft . NET Framework. This framework form part of Microsoft Windows operating systems, containing a vast number of pre-coded resolutions to general program requirements, and governing the performance of programs written particularly for the framework. This framework is a vital Microsoft contribution and is projected on being utilized by most applications created and to be created for Windows platform. Pre-coded solutions outlining the framework’s Base Class Library (third layer from Operating System in the . NET Framework) encompass a wide range of software requirements in areas including: cross language translation, user interface, database connectivity, cryptography, data access, web application growth, network communications, and numeric algorithms. This layer contains classes, value types, and interfaces that you will use often in your development process. Most notably within the . NET Framework Base Classes is ADO. NET, which provides access to and management of data. Supervising the software’s runtime requirements, this software is written for the . NET Framework implemented in an environment. This runtime environment, which is also a part of the . NET Framework, is known as the Common Language Runtime (CLR). The CLR provides the appearance of an application virtual machine, so that programmers need not consider the capabilities of the particular CPU that will implement the program. The CLR also provides other significant services such as security mechanisms, memory management, and exception handling. The class library and the CLR together compose the . NET Framework. The . NET Framework is included with Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista, and can be installed on some older versions of Windows. .NET Framework 1. 1 This is the first major . NET Framework upgrade that is accessible on its own as a redistributable package or in a software development kit since its publishing on April 3, 2003. It forms part of the second release of Microsoft Visual Studio . NET – the Visual Studio . NET 2003, and is the first version of the . NET Framework to be included as part of the Windows operating system, shipping with Windows Server 2003. 7 .NET Framework 3. 5 This version was authoritatively released to manufacturing (RTM) on November 19, 2007. As with . NET Framework 3. 0, this version applies the CLR of version 2. 0. It also installs . NET Framework 2. 0 SP1 adding some methods and properties to the BCL classes in version 2. 0 which are vital for version 3. 5 features such as Language Integrated Query (LINQ). These changes, however, do not involve applications written for version 2. 0 and a separately, new . NET Compact Framework 3. 5 was released in hand-in-hand with this revision to give support for additional features on Windows Mobile and Windows Embedded CE devices. The source code of the Base Class Library in this version has been partially released under Microsoft Reference License. 7 .NET Framework 3. 5 builds incrementally on the new features added in . NET Framework 3. 0 – for example, feature sets in Windows Workflow Foundation (WWF), Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Windows CardSpace. This version also consists of a number of new features in several technology areas which have been added as new assemblies to avoid breaking changes. They are: (a) deep integration of Language Integrated Query (LINQ) and data awareness which will let to write code written in LINQ-enabled languages to filter, enumerate, and produce projections of several types of SQL data, collections, XML, and datasets by means of the same syntax; (b) ASP. NET AJAX 3. 5 lets you craft more resourceful, more interactive and highly-personalized Web experiences that work transversely with almost all the most popular browsers; (c) The New Web protocol sustain for building WCF services adding AJAX, JSON, REST, POX, RSS, ATOM, and several new WS-* standards; (d) Full tooling support in Visual Studio 2008 for WF, WCF, and WPF, including the new workflow-enabled services technology; and, (e) New classes in . NET Framework 3. 5 base class library (BCL) that address many common customer requests. Visual Studio 2008 and the . NET Framework 3. 5. The Microsoft Visual Studio development system is an appropriate development instrument devised to aid developers to tackle complex problems, thus create inventive resolutions. This system’s role is to improve the development process; hence, achieving breakthroughs would be easier and more satisfying. Using the Microsoft Visual Studio Development system will be very productive for this project since it would continually deliver better ways for cross language translations with less energy and with ease from other software. It has efficient form of code editors, IntelliSense, Wizards, and multiple coding languages in one integrated development environment (IDE) to high-tech applications in life- cycle management. New versions of Visual Studio keep bringing innovative tools to help developers focus on solving problems without wasting time. With this development system, software developers gain from an integrated product experience that spans tools, servers, and services. Visual Studio products work well together with other Microsoft software, such as Microsoft server products and the Microsoft Office system. Visual Studio offers a comprehensive choice of tools for all phases of software development, testing, deployment, integration, and management. Every kind of software developer, from novice to skilled professional, can use the Visual Studio because it is engineered to support the development across all types of devices such as PCs, servers, the Web, and mobile devices. Visual Studio is the most reliable tool that is engineered and tested to be always dependable, secure, interoperable, and compatible. Visual Studio offers an unparalleled combination of security features, scalability, and interoperability. Although Visual Studio always incorporates forward- thinking features, it is designed to ensure backward-compatibility everywhere possible. Being a set of technology capabilities, core products, and best practice guidance, the Microsoft Application Platform (MAP) focuses on aiding IT and development business partners to maximize opportunity. As one of its core products, Visual Studio has always and continues to help spearhead for the right customer links, business efficiencies, and value-added services through provision of a fully integrated and single development environment for all types of advances, including Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, Web, and mobile applications.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Comedy of Errors Essay

â€Å"The Comedy of Errors† Plato states that: â€Å"The measure of a man is what he does with his power. † But is this true? Or does it depend on a person’s money and possessions? Perhaps it is the family they were born into, or even their gender. And how can reputation affect your class standing? In â€Å"The Comedy of Errors† William Shakespeare explores the interplay of these various possibilities that can determine a person’s class. Shakespeare shows us that a persons family can determine their social status. As well as affect how they are treated. Taking for example the twin Dromios, they came from an extremely poor family. â€Å"A mean woman was delivered / Of such a burden, male twins, both alike. † (?.?. 54) Because their mother was so poor they were adopted by Egeon, however as opposed to becoming his children they became servants for his biological children (also twins) with each twin receiving his own minion. Throughout the Dromios lives they remained servants, even when they were split apart they stayed with their master. Being servants for different masters meant that they were treated differently. Dromio of Ephesus was beaten and kept uneducated â€Å"I have some marks of yours upon my pate, / Some of my mistress’ marks upon my shoulders, ( I.?. 83) While Dromio of Syracuse was given an education and treated like a brother as opposed to a servant, Antipholus of Syracuse demonstrates: A trusty villain, sir, that very oft, When I am dull with care and melancholy, Lightens my humor with is merry jests. (I. II. 19) If they had had wealthy parents with much more power then they would never have become servants and would most likely have servants of their own. Another and perhaps more common way to define a person’s social status is by their wealth, that is their money and possesions. Even though in our modern society wealth has little to do with your social status, in William Shakespeare’s time the more money you had the more power you had. For example Adriana and her husband Antipholus of Ephesus, clearly their money and possessions greatly benefited them in life. All this wealth leads them to have a very good reputation. However if their reputation gets tarnished they will lose their money and in consequence their power: If by strong hand you offer to break in Now in the stirring passage of the day, A vulgar comment will be made of it; And that supposed by the common rout Against your yet ungalled estimation. (III. I. 47) Looking at this quote it is clear that if Antipholus goes through with his threat, his reputation will be tarnished. Therefore he decides against it. â€Å" You have prevailed. I will depart in quiet / And, in despite of mirth, mean to be merry. (III. I. 156) An additional example is Solinus the duke of Ephesus. When he is ready to execute Egeon he uses the power he has to grant him one day of freedom. Duke: Now trust me, were it not against our laws, Against my crown, my oath, my dignity, My soul should sue as advocate for thee. But thou art adjudged to the death, Yet will I favor thee in what I can. therefore, merchant, I’ll limit thee this day. By giving Egeon a day of fr eedom the duke boosts his reputation in Ephesus as a sympathetic and selfless leader. All the while knowing that there is no way Egeon will accomplish his goal. The third and perhaps most prominent way of defining a person’s social standing is their gender. A factor that is still entrenched in our modern society. In â€Å"The Comedy of Errors† there are many obligations women have to fill that men do not. For example as Egeon is telling the duke his tragic story he mentions that although his wife was not in love with him and did not want to marry him, they clearly ended up married. â€Å"In Syracusa was I born and wed / Unto a woman happy but for me. (I. I. 37) This quote demonstrates that as a woman one of her obligations was to get married, even if it was to someone she did not love. This also makes evident the fact women were not free to make their own decisions. Furthermore women were often considered lesser beings than men, they were not allowed as much freedom as their spouse was. â€Å" Good sister, let us dine and never fret. / A man is master of his own liberty. † (II. I. 6) This quote highlights that fact that men were free to come and go as they pleased whereas women were not.

Coaching and Counselling Skills for a Manager Essay

Supervisors procrastinate in coaching or counselling because they’re afraid of hurting employee’s feelings †¢Coaching or counselling documentation is inconsistent or nonexistent because there hasn’t been consistent management training conducted †¢Supervisors and managers need to be more assertive in addressing performance issues †¢Employee development aspect of coaching needs to be improved †¢Supervisors need to fully understand the principles and benefits of progressive discipline through an effective management skills training course †¢Coaching or counselling sessions end up in hurt feelings, arguments or disagreements †¢Managers need to understand how to train their employees better †¢Managers need to counsel emotional employees more effectively †¢Supervisors need to remain in control of their emotions when counselling employees Training Solutions: †¢Improve employee performance and results through a more effective coaching and leadership training †¢Enhance feedback and criticism skills that result in changed performance †¢Establish organizational consistency in formal and informal disciplinary practices †¢Boost the productivity and quality of individuals and teams †¢Succeed with angry and emotional employees †¢Improve the motivation and morale of employees †¢Safely and legally discipline employees Make your feedback more effective in changing behaviour and performance †¢Document employee performance, behaviour and attitude safely and consistently †¢Establish and enforce consistent progressive discipline practices †¢Choose the right words to improve understanding and reduce defensiveness in coaching or counselling †¢Document verbal and written warnings consistently and safely †¢Develop more powerful and effective communication skills †¢Defuse angry and emotional employees more successfully †¢Handle difficult and sensitive issues more confidently †¢Maximize t he results of effective criticism †¢Support supervisors and managers with effective leadership training Coaching ; Counseling Skills for Managers Course Outline: I. Developing the Foundation for Constructive Leadership 1. Establishing confidence and trust with our employees 2. Understanding the influence of management styles on employee behaviour 3. Deal with different personalities more effectively with our management skills training 4. Using common sense motivating factors II. Coaching Employees for Maximum Performance 1. Creating a team vision 2. Making employees accountable and responsible 3. Giving effective positive and negative feedback 4. Using feedback to change employee behaviour 5. Choose the right words for more constructive criticism 6. Gain their commitment to improve 7. 5 step coaching plan III. Counseling Employees to Improve Performance 1. Using performance appraisals to drive improvement 2. Using constructive versus destructive communication 3. Issuing and documenting formal and informal verbal warnings 4. A 5 step counselling plan 5. Developing a PIP-performance improvement plan that works 6. Legally safe written warning documentation 7. Progressive disciplinary guidelines IV. Difficult Coaching ; Counseling Situations 1. Employees bringing personal problems to work 2. Handle difficult or explosive personalities and behaviours 3. Safely terminate employees who don’t improve 4. Coach employees who are personal friends or former peers 5. Counsel employees who are older than or have more seniority than the manager 6. Deal with chronic complainers and gripers 7. Learn the keys to coaching and leadership

Monday, July 29, 2019

Posthuman Figures Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Posthuman Figures - Movie Review Example 2). Posthumanism views the human body as a prosthesis that humans learn to manipulate and replaces it with other prostheses, which is a continuation of a process. Likewise, the posthuman view looks at the human body as something that can be seamlessly articulated with intelligent machines through configuration (Hayles, 1999, p. 3). In the posthuman, absolute demarcation or even essential differences do not exist between bodily existence and computer simulation. The analysis of possessive individualism by C. B. Macpherson is significant of underlying assumption about subjectivity signaled by the posthuman. This analysis posits that the posthuman possessive quality is found in how it conceives the individual as the essential proprietor of his own person or capacities, in which he owes nothing to society. There are convenient points of departure for measuring the distance between the human and the posthuman, exemplified by this notion of "owing nothing to society" (Hayles, 1999). Hobbes and Locke have initially claimed that humans in a 'state of nature' owe nothing to society before the emergence of market relations. It is argued that a foundation upon which those market relations can be built, such as selling one's labour for wages, since ownership of oneself is viewed to predate market relations (Hayles, 1999). Posthumanism and Cultural Identity One of the most frequent criticisms made of cybernetics is that apart from being a new science it is merely an extended analogy between men and machines. It was argued by Michael Foucault that man is a historical construction whose era is about to end (Hollinger and Gordon, 2002). Posthuman has then become a subject in cultural studies and the discourse about the body signals the emergence of the posthuman subject. There is the recognition of masculinist cyberpunk narratives of the possibilities of the elimination of the boundaries between human and machine. However, dualistic gender identity in the interactions between material bodies and technological devices has failed to dislodge (Hollinger and Gordon, 2002, p. 77). It may be furthered that a denaturalisation of the relationship between the body and cultural identity is facilitated by the multiple entanglements of the body with technology. This in turn is said to destabilise the structure and modes of reproduction of Western iden tity, alongside nature of culture (ibid). It is however noteworthy to mention that pertaining to cultural identity, the posthuman view supports the perspective that the wired body is perfect because the technoid life enables the human being to crack out from the dead shell of human culture (Hollinger and Gordon, 2002). The formulation of the technoid life form through the cyborg undermines the knowledge that the human body has a productive and inscriptive capacity of its own, functioning through historical, social, and cultural practices. Culturally constituted bodies do not only experience and live, but are also gendered bodies that define their environments as much as they are defined by them. Information is the defining environment for the contemporary technological body. Thus, the posthuman context must inevitably address the complex and shifting relationship

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Buddhist Ethics and Emotivism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Buddhist Ethics and Emotivism - Essay Example I was introduced to the dos and don’ts of the family at a very tender age and; by the time I went to grade one, I was aware of the acceptable forms of behaviour in the family and I had embraced my family’s ethical viewpoint. In the school, our teachers also orientated us to the school’s code of conduct which prohibited any form of indiscipline. So, throughout my primary school study years, I had never doubted the rationality of the ethics that I had been introduced to by my parents and my teachers. The turning point in the journey of the development of my ethical viewpoint came when I went to High School. In High school, I met students who had completely different moral view points from the one I had. For instance, while as a child I had been taught that stealing is unethical under all circumstances. In High School, however, I met some students who believed that stealing is morally justifiable under some circumstance. These students made me to rethink my moral worldview and to ask myself some hard questions. For instance, I asked myself whether stealing really is unethical under all circumstances. As I was reflecting on these questions, all my pens were stolen most probably by my fellow classmates who did not see anything wrong with stealing; I had carelessly left my pens on the table when they were stolen. This event presented a real moral dilemma to me. This is because before going to High School, my parents had strictly warned me against losing any of the stationery that they had bought me; my parents had warned me that if I lose the stationery, through carelessness, they wouldnâ €™t buy me any other. So, I was faced with the moral dilemma of whether to steal another pen from my classmates, or to lie to my parents that it was not through carelessness that I had lost the pens so that they could buy me other pens. Eventually, I chose the lesser evil, i.e. to lie to my parents so that they could buy

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Cold War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cold War - Essay Example In post WW2 scenario, America’s image as powerful democracy and its efforts to contain communism had received considerable jolt when its racial segregation and other such problems had caused international backlash. The Cold War has become pertinent part of history as it had divided the nations into democratic and communist political platforms. The two powerful nations: USA and USSR had different political ideologies. While America was a devout democracy with strong capitalistic economy, USSR was a communist country which was founded on the philosophy of socialism and state control on the economic activities. Belmonte (2007) emphasizes that Cold War was hugely critical motivator for American leadership to introduce constitutional amendments like Civil Right Act which had promoted social justice and equality across race, culture and color. The cold war era had therefore emerged as a highly critical phenomenon that had significantly influenced the world polity with wide ramifications on the national issues of the countries across the

Friday, July 26, 2019

American politics and parties Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

American politics and parties - Essay Example etermine whether they will further have to narrow down the number of candidates to the expected number or they can keep the selected members till the period close to the time of the primaries. The members select these nominees in relation to popularity among state’s members. Direct Primary Nomination for State and Congress offices takes place before the general election. One nominee is selected from among the selected nominees during the preprimary nominations. The selected nominee becomes the candidate to go for the States or Congress office. In the general elections, these elected congress and state officers, Electoral College, elect the President. The political party with the most seats in States and Congressional offices is able to pass their presidential candidate during the general elections although today it might not be always the case. Delegates are divided among the states by the national parties by apportioning them in relation to the number of voters in each state. The higher the number of votes a state has, the more the number of delegates they select from that state. The most populated cities such as New York is apportioned more delegates than other smaller cities. In my opinion, this is the case because there are more people being represented in one city than the other. Therefore to ensure even representation, the delegates are selected in relation to percentage other than state. The Democratic Party and the Republican Party in the U.S. select their presidential candidates by the process of primary elections. Nomination process starts when voters choose delegates from their states to attend a national party convention to elect their party’s presidential candidate. This is followed by the selected delegates, attending a party’s national convention whereby they select their preferred presidential candidate. The delegates select for a presidential candidate as per the preference or their states. Therefore, the more popular, aspiring

Thursday, July 25, 2019

World Religions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

World Religions - Essay Example No less important difference between the two Christian denominations is relevant to the question of salvation. Protestants often say that faith is the primary and fundamental way for the salvation of man. Faith is the path that opens the way to the grace of God. Unlike Protestants, Catholics are inclined to say that despite the fact that faith is essential for salvation, it cannot be seen as the only way to salvation. In this respect, faith is not enough. Catholics consider â€Å"justification as a process, dependent on the grace you receive by participating in the Church --- which is seen as a repository of saving grace† (Rosario). As noted above, the differences between Catholicism and Protestantism are also manifested in the ritual area. In particular, the ritual of the Eucharist has a different interpretation in the denominations. Catholics insist on the doctrine of transubstantiation. According to this doctrine, the edible ritual elements used during the Eucharist should be seen as the literal embodiment of the body and blood of Christ. In turn, Protestants use the doctrine of consubstantiation, that is, they believe that the body and blood of Christ coexist along with the bread and the wine (Rosario). In comparison with the Protestants, Catholics give special importance to various saints, including the Virgin Mary. â€Å"Roman Catholics see veneration, not as praying to the Saints and the Virgin Mary, but as praying through them† (Rosario). Unlike Catholics, Protestants emphasize the direct communication with God.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Stock Market efficiency (Marks and Spencer) Essay

Stock Market efficiency (Marks and Spencer) - Essay Example Proponents of the efficient market hypothesis suggest that the market has a large number of players out to maximize profits. Each of these players logically analyzes the market information available so as to make an informed investment decision. This ensures that the market quickly and fairly represents all the available market in the prices of securities. There are three types of market efficiency; allocation efficiency, operation efficiency and pricing efficiency (Kraakman, 2003, p.11). Operational efficiency refers to the transactional costs involved in the selling and buying of securities. The operation of the London stock exchange is streamlined and well aligned to ensure operational efficiency. Allocation efficiency follows the premise that there are limited financial resources and therefore the existing resources are invested in the most productive way (Cassedy, 2004, p.6). This suggests that the investors are rational and that available capital is directed to the most profitable stock. Pricing efficiency is based on the premise that the stock fairly and instantly reflects information available in the stock market. Most of the theories developed in the area of market efficiency revolve around pricing efficiency. Pricing efficiency suggests that a security’s price reflects all the available information. Market efficiency can be said to exist in three distinct levels. These are Weak-form efficiency, Semi-strong efficiency and Strong-form efficiency (Banks, 2011, p.3).   The weak-form efficiency suggests a market that reflects all the past market information. The past information is fully and instantly reflected in the price of securities. This view therefore suggests that the past market information cannot be used to predict future prices of securities. This is because listed financial securities already reflect all past market data. Semi strong

UNIT 5 DISCUSSION BOARD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

UNIT 5 DISCUSSION BOARD - Essay Example Healthcare in the United States of America is managed through the Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), which organizes health plans outside of that which is provided through the insurance companies. There are different plans that through which HMOs make healthcare available. The total estimated cost of healthcare in the USA during 2004 was $1.9 trillion, which was equivalent to 16% of the GDP, making the USA the largest spending country on healthcare. Many of the employees on the payrolls of companies have healthcare plans that are taken care of by the companies themselves. This has given a false impression that the vast amount of money spent on healthcare is rooted in the private sector. This is far from true, and nearly half the money that is spent on healthcare comes from government coffers. The reason for this is that a large portion of the healthcare is paid for by employer-based insurance, but this is tax subsidized. In essence the government pays part of the healthcare bills of employees in private companies that are receiving healthcare plans through their employers. The soaring medical costs are causing private employers to cut back on wage increases to their employees in an effort to find the means to meet the growing healthcare bill, leading to dissatisfaction. In short the main issue of the healthcare implementation is the scarcity of funds. This situation is hardly going to change with the Government unwilling to consider tax reforms. Therefore managed care has to look after soaring medical bills with a paucity of funds. In such a situation the dissemination of healthcare to all segments of the population becomes difficult, and as usual it is the weaker segments of society that feel the pinch of inadequate healthcare provisions. (Americas health-care crisis: Desperate measures). The American healthcare system is an umbrella organization. The World Health Organization (WHO) has in its recommendations

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Internal Cash Control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Internal Cash Control - Essay Example On the other hand, both the purchasing agent and treasurer issue check disbursements for expenses without each other’s accountability there is a likelihood of fraud taking place because only one person grants authority for payments. Q4.5 (b) memo indicating recommendations for improving company procedures From: Your NamesXXX To: Idaho Company Management Subject: Internal Cash Control Weaknesses Date: 23 April, 2012 With the existing gap in the internal cash control of the organization, there is a need to introduce internal control principles of cash management to increase accuracy in the flow of cash and close the gap that exist. Because of the lack of a safe place to keep the company checks, it is necessary to introduce a new safe file cabinet that is lockable with access by only the treasurer or the purchasing agent. In addition, cash registers to record the checks issued in order of the numbers in the checkbook should be introduced to avoid problems with numbering of checks issued and received (Kimmel, Weygandt & Kieso, 2011). Above all, different individuals should authorize, issue and verify checks so as to avoid fraud committed when issuing checks for expenses therefore, the treasurer and the purchasing agents should not be the only one’s authorizing, signing and issuing checks for expenses incurred. ... As a result, Guard Dog Company has managed to initiate the internal control principles in its purchases and payment. There are five principles of the cash disbursement including the establishment of responsibility in within cash disbursements as the designated personnel that include the treasurer, and assistant treasurer is authorized to handle checks (Kimmel, Weygandt & Kieso, 2011). In addition, there are different individuals including the treasurer and assistant treasurer who approve the payment of the expenses through checks as they hold them and stamp the invoices once paid. There is segregation of duties between purchasing agent, receiving department supervisor, treasurer and assistant treasurer because there is no approval of payment in checks without their authorization. Finally, Guard Dog Company has kept in place the physical, electronic and mechanical controls in place (Kimmel, Weygandt & Kieso, 2011). This is because, there is safe storage of checks in the safe whose par ticulars are limitedly held only by the treasurer and assistant treasurer and they use cash registers to register the issuance of the numbered checks that are used. In addition, the fact that the assistant chief accountant carries out the reconciling of checks ensures transparency. Q4-2A. Indicate the weaknesses in internal accounting control in the handling of collections. In the handling of church collections, several weaknesses exist in the procedures followed as the ushers who assist on a voluntary basis do not guarantee the fact that they cannot take some of the church collections. In addition, the head usher who counts the offering alone and works on a voluntary basis is also likely to commit fraud by taking some of the collections without anybody’s knowledge (Kimmel, Weygandt &

Monday, July 22, 2019

Essay on the importance of education Essay Example for Free

Essay on the importance of education Essay The term education is derived from Latin, word ‘educere’, ‘educare’ and ‘educatum’ which means to ‘to learn’ , ‘to know’ and ‘to lead out’. Education is the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university: a course of education, the theory and practice of teaching. A body of knowledge acquired while being educated. In some occasions I would personally say that I am not always learning, this can be caused by: lack of focus; teacher being absent; cover teachers; teacher being unable to teach the subject well; destructive students or no interest in a topic. French is a pleasant subject to learn as it comprises a lotof active and team work which requires a lot of studying and patience. During the period of exams, later on the month of May 2012, I found myself talking and disrupting the class (due to the lack of focus) which was odd as French was one of my strongest subjects and a few in which I enjoyed. The reason for this was that my teacher was absent and we had a cover teacher which I imminently then thought that I had the privilege to mess about for there will be no consequences but I was wrong†¦ The only person this affected was me myself and this caused me into failing French with an E. One day in my Science class around mid March, we were studying momentum and I found myself tuned in with the lesson (which doesn’t happen often) and was fully focused which resulted to improving my understanding of the topic and Iaccumulated more information about it. The reason being was that the lesson was a mixture of practical active learning and theoretical learning. This made me to enjoy, have fun and partake in the lesson. I really did learn a lot despite my weakness and hatred for science. ‘Education is life itself’ Some people would agree with the statement that education is life itself and utter that education is the most powerful weapon and the key to success. Referring to the bible in Ecclesiastes7:12 ‘For the protection of wisdom is like the protection of money and the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom preserves the life of him who has it’. This quote may suggest that the survival of one may depend upon their knowledge. Being educated is an advantage in life so therefore we should cherish and preserve it as we would protect money. On the other hand, other people may disagree with this statement and say that education isn’t life itself for some people are not well educated but have managed to become successful,people such as:Abraham Lincoln, John D. Rockefeller, Amancio Ortega Gaona and many more. This comes to show that knowledge isn’t just the approval on a paper (degree) but can be physical and specialized skills. Also other unfortunate people mostly in LEDCs (less economically developed countries) such as: Egypt, Mali, Haiti, Ghana,Ukraine, Libya, Vietnametc but does this mean that due to lack of being educated results to individuals from these countries to not be successful ?Of course not. Finally, in my belief I think that education is very beneficial to all. From my personally experience I would say that living does in fact educate me, why? In the past I made mistakes that I had to learn from such as revising a week before an exam to major mistake as forbidden sins from the bible (The 10 commandments) but that’s alright because life never came with instructions. We all came to learn, to conquer and to succeed. Robert M. Hutchins aforementioned: ‘Education is not to reform students or amuse them or to make them expert technicians. It is to unsettle their minds widen their horizons inflame their intellects teach them to think straight. If possible’ sowhy is it that the older generation put a lot of pressure on the younger generation in other words the ‘youths’ to study hard to become doctors and lawyers? We cannot all be doctors and lawyers for God gave each individual a conscious to help us make right and wrong decisions and to follow our hearts. Education is life itself some would say, but I say education is a high light to life ‘the key to success. Victor Hugo ‘He who opens a school door, closes a prison.’

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Andrew Carnegies Defense: The Gospel Of Wealth

Andrew Carnegies Defense: The Gospel Of Wealth During the Industrial Revolution, several changes shaped American society. Inventions such as the railroad and electricity contributed to the massive change in American life. A movement from the rural farms to the industrial cities and factory owners desire to maximize profit and minimize cost started the battle between laborers and large capitalist bosses. Throughout this era, daring entrepreneurs such as John Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Jay Gould, J.P. Morgan, and the Vanderbilt family helped shape the economy, and became known as the robber barons, because of their ruthless treatment of workers and underhanded business deals. Through their economic and political leverage, they accumulated massive amounts of wealth and had enormous influence. Robber barons utilized their wealth in a variety ways, such as purchasing extravagant mansions or hosting wasteful parties. However in the article Wealth, unlike the other millionaires of the Gilded Age, Andrew Carnegie encouraged fellow cap italists to live humbly and use their excess capital to assist the unfit poor, but only because he felt that the millionaires were most qualified to help. In Wealth, Carnegie argues that the fit and wise rich men of American must be the ones who distribute the wealth because they have the essential skills to do so. He emphasizes that millionaire class, to which he belonged, is very skilled and elevates their status in society with his self-praising writing. For example he says, their talent for organization and management is rare among men and this talent, secures for its possessor enormous rewards, no matter where or under what laws or conditions.  [1]  The rich are again represented as greater than the poor by having superior wisdom, experience, and ability to administer [wealth].  [2]  They are shown to have skills are unique and rare allowing them to do amazing things in all aspects of life-an indomitable group of people who can solve any problem. This resembles the widespread doctrine of social Darwinism, because if a person is fit by being skilled, it is natural that they will succeed and survive. Carnegie wrote that it i s because of their skill that only they must be responsible for the control and distribution of their wealth. While Carnegie elevates the richs image and portrays them as superior beings, he describes the poor as foolish, impudent, and unskilled. Throughout the text, Carnegie argued that it must be the rich classs responsibility to guide the poor, because their class can do for them better than they would or could do for themselves since the poor are, slothful, the drunken, the unworthy.  [3]  Carnegie demonstrates the unfit, foolish, lazy, and ignorant workers and laborers as the foils of the fit, skilled, wise, and hardworking millionaires. According to social Darwinism and Carnegies article, the poor at the bottom of society deserve to be there, because they are unfit and failed take advantages of their situation and earn millions of dollars, like the capitalists. By emphasizing the differences between the rich and poor, Carnegies article illustrates the prevailing belief of social Darwinism. Wealth was published during 1889 an era when public believed in the theory of social Darwinism. This belief stemmed from Charles Darwins theory of evolution and Herbert Spencer and William Graham Sumner used the popular catchwords of Darwinism, struggle for existence and survival of the fittest [and] applied [them] to the life of man in society  [4]  . Indeed Carnegie uses these terms in his article, as he says the law [of competition]à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦insures the survival of the fittest in every department.  [5]  By applying Darwins biological theory to man and society, the fittest or strongest members of society should be at the top and lead society, while the weak, unfit should be on the bottom and allowed to suffer and die out. This is echoed in Carnegies article as the millionaires should have all the control and power of their wealth, while the poor must be changed and learn to be fit or be left to die out. Successful business and entrepreneurs apparently accepted almost by instinct the Darwinian terminology which seemed to portray the conditions of their existence.  [6]  For example, as a child Carnegie had to support his family and by taking advantage of the situations provided to him. By doing so, he was able to own the biggest and most successful steel industry. In his article, a businessmans success and money are rewards of being fit, while the poors lack of money is a symbol of their failure in society. By presenting the rich and poor as skilled and unskilled, wise and foolish, Carnegie is able to justify that the rich were the only ones who were knowledgeable enough to share and keep their wealth. Carnegie arrogantly says that, this wealth, passing through the hands of the few, can be made much more potent force for the elevation of our race than if distributed in small sums to the people themselves.  [7]  The few or the rich should must have the money, because they will be able to properly distribute it to the poor. If the people themselves obtained this money, they would not have as grand a result as the millionaires. In his article, Carnegie needed to defend their immense accumulation of wealth, before explaining the more efficient methods of helping the poor. During this era, there was a huge economic gap between the rich and poor. In 1890, 73 percent of the nations wealth was held by the top 10 percent of the population.  [8]  This disproportionate distribution of money caused the laborers and poor to see the wealthy and business as evil and millionaires as corrupt robber barons stealing their money. This distrust was inflamed by the immense differences in living conditions of each class. While millionaires lived comfortably in extravagant, laborers and factory workers lived in dirty and disease filled slums. However, in Wealth Carnegie attempts to bind together the rich and poor in harmonious relationship  [9]  and provides a humble interpretation of the rich as they are just a the mere trustee and agent for his poorer brethren.  [10]  He wishes to have peace between the two classe s and portrays the rich as helpful caretakers of poor. In their crusade in helping the poor become fit, the rich must have control over their capital in order to help them. Carnegie states that they would provide them with ladders upon which the aspiring can rise free libraries, parks, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ works of art,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦and public institutions of various kinds.  [11]  He wanted to provide resources to those who will help themselves, just as he had brought himself up from working in a factory to owner of a steel factory. However, he would not just hand out money to the poor, because they would use it foolishly.  [12]  By providing with poor with these institutions, Carnegie hoped that they would learn how become fit and become more like the refined and educated millionaires. Even if the rich has so much, they should be willing to return some of their resources in the form of libraries and other services to assist the poor. By explaining that their wisdom and wealth will be used to assist the poor, the wealthy are given a legitimate reason to keep all their money and continue with the laissez-faire system of government. Even though Carnegie felt he provided the poor with ladders to success. The poor had no time to take advantage of them. As the wealthy obtained an immense amount of money, most of the population suffered in poverty. The poor had to work in dangerous factories in long 12 hour work days. After a day of hard work, laborers would barely make enough money to eat as Carnegies steel workers earned from $1.50 to $2.00 per day. While a family in the Pittsburg area needed $15 a week to live, most workers made less than $12.50.  [13]  Even if factory workers wanted to go to the local library they had no time or energy to do so. During this time, the wealthy were really not focused on relieving the needy with handouts. Carnegie felt that just giving foolish man money would cause him to spend it recklessly. He wanted to help the poor become more like the rich by providing them with the resources which would teach them how to be fit and if the poor really wanted to advance themselves, they wou ld go to a library and learn the skills necessary to do so. Given the circumstances, this would be unlikely, but Carnegie still proposes that this is a viable option, as he really does not know how the poor live. Since the government practiced laissez-faire politics which ensured that the government would stay away from business affairs, businessmen had full control over their finances and factories. If the government did interfere, they could only do so to benefit business, specifically those of the robber barons. Andrew Carnegies article Wealth supported this hands-off policy on business. As an article which drew heavily on the beliefs of social Darwinism, lack of government action would be beneficial to the evolution of society. The law of competition is not only beneficial, but essential to the future progress of the race and competition between these [businesses], as being not only beneficial, but essential to the future progress of the race.  [14]  Carnegie and many other businessmen believed that businesses should be free to compete against each other and that the government should stay out the way. If the government would get involved, they would only do so to protect competition between businesses. According to social Darwinism, competition would destroy the weak, leave only the fit in society. Thus, the skilled fit that remain are able to advance society and harvest their rewards. If the government created regulation that hindered competition between businesses, competition would be destroyed, and society would not be able to move forward. Therefore, any disruption or attempts to hinder the law of competition or defend the unfit were not allowed by the business owners. As Irvin Wyllie states in the article Social Darwinism and the Businessman, Herbert Spencer became the oracle of the age à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ in defense of laissez-faire as he applied the idea of evolution and completion to society.  [15]  Social Darwinisms law of competition became a bulwark for a government which did not interfere with businesses and left workers with despicable work conditions. In Wealth, Andrew Carnegie use of the law of competition to support the laissez-faire image of g overnment helped protect the businessmens interest. In Wealth, Carnegie also supported millionaires decision to fight against unions desires. Due to the harsh conditions in factories, low wages, long workdays, and lack of help from the government, unions like the Knights of Labor formed in an attempt to obtain a shorter workday and better working conditions for workers. Eight work days and higher wages would increase the bottom line and lessen the businessmans profit causing create deal of resistance from businessmen. Unfit laborers are portrayed by social Darwinism and Wealth as lazy and deserving of their suffering giving the idea that factory owners do not need listen to them. In Wealth, the wealthy are portrayed as all-knowing, as they know the best interests of the race.  [16]  Indeed, in this era, millionaires found unions to be hindrances to their companies and had the full support of federal government in stopping them. By emphasizing that the poor are unworthy, lazy, and ignorant and the wealthy knew what they were doing, Wealth defended why millionaires disliked unions and did everything they could to stop them. Andrew Carnegies article, Wealth, was a result of prevailing belief of social Darwinism in the Gilded Age. The rhetoric of Spencer and Sumners view of social Darwinism are apparent in his work and though this belief, Carnegie is able to say that the rich were the most capable group of people to hold and distribute the wealth. Through his ingrained belief of social Darwinism, he was also able to defend the wealths large accumulation of wealth, the laissez-faire government, and their aggression toward labor unions found during the Industrial era. Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) | Free essay | Management essays Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) | Free essay | Management essays Introduction KFC in the beginning was changing companies which belonged, since in 1964 Colonel Sanders first sold KFC. It was sold in a small group of investors who promoted KFC in public. In 1971 Heublein was highly involved in the day to day operations. However, R.J. Reynolds then acquired Heublein in 1982. R.J. took a more laid back approach and allowed business as usual at KFC. After that in 1986 PepsiCo bought this company and tried to grow it very fast and as well the restaurant segment even if KFC and PepsiCo had a very different culture and style which means that it was totally different. PepsiCo is a big company which recognized itself in 1985 and owns as well Pizza Hut, Taco Bell and now KFC. PepsiCo has a consumer product orientation and found that the marketing of fast food was very similar to the marketing of its soft drinks and snack foods. PepsiCo combines snack food, soft drinks and restaurants together and its a huge company in the world with many restaurants. Nowadays KFC belongs to YUM international and is the largest chicken restaurant in the world with over 32,500 restaurants with, AW All-American Foodâ„ ¢, Taco Bell, Long John Silvers and Pizza Hut in more than 100 countries. Today, some of the older KFC restaurants have become famous in their own right. One such restaurant is located in Marietta, Georgia. This store is notable for a 17m tall sign that looks like a chicken. The sign, known locally as the Big Chicken, was built for an earlier fast-food restaurant on the site called Johnny Rebs Chick, Chuck and Shake. It is often used as a travel reference point in the Atlanta area by locals and pilots. The original handwritten recipe is kept locked away at the KFC corporate headquarters in Louisville, Kentucky as a closely-guarded secret. Only two members within the Yum! Corporation knows the recipe in its entirety. Mission and Objectives we find reasons to celebrate the achievements of others and have fun doing it The mission of the KFC is to sell food in a fast ,to have a friendly environment that appeals to pride conscious, to be in a health minded consumers. The objectives of KFC is to increase the variety of menu, to introduce desert menu and introduce buffet to restaurants. Another objective goal is to target Menu items of African Americans in major cities with the following foods: greens, macaroni and cheese, peach cobbler, red beans and rice. However there are also menu items which should be target in Hispanics major cities are the fried plantains, flan, tres Leches. The implementations on non-traditional units are including the shopping mall food courts, universities, hospitals, airports, stadiums, amusement parks, office buildings, mobile units. Pest analysis Political UK Government has launched a new corporate tax scheme in April 2008, in which the tax is to decrease from 30% down to 28%, helping revive the economy and boost competition (BBC, 2008, p.1). Fast food companies like McDonalds, KFC, etc. could save millions of pounds from this stimulus. The Government is considering a proposed ban on junk food advertising to billboards, computer games and cinemas act in the face of the public health of child obesity. A blanket ban would be a hammer blow to companies such as KFC, McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Nestle, etc. (Mintel, 2009m, p.1) Economic As a result of the credit crunch and market instability, global markets are in disarray, deleveraging is under way (Kohler, 2009, p.27). The UK economy is now challenged by serious economic downturn. Latest Indicators published by Office for National Statistics (2009, p.1) states that all indexes are at negative interpretation, such as unemployment rate increased, GDP and national productivity decreased. The UK is heavily impacted by the economic downturn. Hickman (2007, p.1) argues that the era of spend, spend, and spend no longer exists. Britain shoppers habit of depending on credit cards is now forced to change. They have to cut back their expenditure since credit availability would be now a historic concept. Social Work mobility, working under pressure seems to force people to go out to eat and drink rather than cook at home for themselves (although this trend is moderated by credit crunch recently). People enjoy their spare time by spending hours in coffee stores, restaurants, cinemas, and fast foods are indispensable items in their orders. Bird and Hughes (1997, p.159) state that consumer is more and more concerning for ethical products. They are not only paying attention to products quality, but also ethical aspects of the goods purchased. This raises a question to all businesses, however, it is also an opportunity for those who care of their customers, their communities, like KFC, for instant. Customers concern about environmental issues in every item they buy (Mintel, 2009p, p.1). Environmental concerns are now a key priority among UK consumers and their importance is continuing to grow. Consumer concerns are encouraging retailers to introduce green products and to put their entire operations on a greener footing (Mintel, 2009c, p.1) Consumers may be increasingly turning to chicken outlets as a relatively healthy alternative to red meat, particularly on the back of recent government and health campaigners concerns over the nutritional content of fast food (Mintel, 2009a4, p.1) Attitudes towards burgers are changing. Burgers are no longer seen as should-be-avoid foods, but are positive ones instead (Mintel, 2009d, p.1). In addition, microwaveable burgers have been welcomed to serve a new snack-on-the-go audience (Mintel, 2009d, p.1). Technological and environmental issues The Internet is changing the way that many businesses are operating (Avinash and Minh, 2008, p.83). The Internet accounts for 8% of global advertising spend and growing rapidly (The Economist, 2007, p.124). It is an opportunity for fast food companies enabling its customers to order online easily via its website, creating competitive advantage for the company. Technology helps to shorten the geographic distance, booting business communication. Technology also helps to design and manufacture modern machines to produce high quality foods, saving time and human capital. Global warming, green house gas, recyclable materials are among most interests of environmental supporters. Swot analysis Strengths KFC has a very long history and has the most recognizable brand in chicken. KFC has name recognition around the world and has been globally positioned for many years. KFCs secret recipe of 11 herbs and spices has made it the leader in chicken for the last fifty years. KFC is the 2nd only to McDonalds in the UK and USA and ranks highest among all chicken restaurant chains for its convenience and menu variety. The quality of food is a key strength to KFC. The quality is defined by the YUM! and controlled by the local franchisees. There is a global standard, with regard to the quality of the KFC meals. The KFC recipes allow for quick a processing time, which makes it all the more convenient and more attractive to prospective clients. Customer-focused approach brings advantages to KFC. The company cares about the health of its customers. Recently, in 2008, KFC signs up to the Food Standards Agency commitment to providing healthier meals, helping its customers enjoy a healthier, more balanced diet. The commitments include: working with suppliers to reduce salt and saturated fat levels, dressings and frying oils for alternatives that are lower in saturated fat, increasing the number of healthier options on the menu and making nutritional information more readily available to customers (Mintel, 2009l). The company also puts nutritional information of its products online and in stores. KFC does business ethically and environmentally. KFC UK has promised to reduce packaging and waste by selling products such as its Fillet and Zinger burgers just wrapped into paper rather than in a cardboard box. The chain said it aimed to reduce waste by up to 14000 tonnes over 2009 (Mintel, 2009p). KFC has a strong development plan. In February 2009, KFC announced to open 300 new UK outlets between 2009 and 2014, creating 9,000 jobs. This expansion was designed to capitalise on really strong growth and customers increasingly turning to cheaper food options amid the credit crunch (Mintel, 2009q). Weaknesses Rumour: There is a rumour about using GMO chicken (Genetic Modification Organism). This arouses a great controversy in many places. For a developed market like the UK, this impacts negatively on KFC image since people think that the use of GM chicken will have great influence on the food chain which is very crucial to the environmental health and nature development. Legal issues: KFC has been ordered to pay a  £24,000 fine following the discovery of poor hygiene standards at its Bridgend branch in South Wales. The branchs staff did not wash their hands and wore dirty aprons, while the sites hot water was turned off, meaning that staff were also unable to wash food preparation equipment (Mintel, 2009k). Trans fats issues: KFC predominantly cooks its chicken in vegetable oil called trans fats, an unhealthy method of cooking (Oppapers, 2009). Lacking fun: Since majority of KFCs customers are people between 14 and 44, who are young, dynamic, and proactive, store decoration and atmosphere play a critical role for the companys success. Lack of knowledge about their customers: KFC does not have its own customer database. Opportunities The chicken and burger bar market reached  £3.6 billion in 2007 and is predicted to rise following years. The traditional low-cost fast food outlets are well placed to remain relevant as economic conditions tighten. The burger market reached nearly  £2.5 billion 2007 whereas chicken outlets were valued at nearly  £1 billion, however, the latter showed higher growth rates over the past six years. The takeaway market continues to outperform the eat-in sector (Mintel, 2009z). Despite the economic downturn, consumers are still likely to continue eating out, according to a survey of 1,000 UK diners by Survey Shack. 63% said price wasnt the major factor influencing whether they chose to eat out or not, and 77% said they would pay more if a meal was made from high-quality ingredients (Mintel, 2009y). Grab-and-go culture: The convenience of takeaway meals has a clear demographic bias towards men, younger consumers and those who are single. Factors such as lack of motivation to worry too much about nutrition (eg the absence of children) or that it is expensive or wasteful to cook for one-person meals will play a part in this motivation (Mintel, 2009c). Growth in the 15-24-year-old age group has benefited the chicken/burger sector as they represent the core market, however, the predicted drop in 15-19-year-olds in coming years will present challenges (Mintel, 2009a1). Threats Supermarkets and new competitors: Supermarkets own-label offerings have long been a significant part of the UK food sales, holding a share of nearly 29% and continuing growth in market share (Mintel, 2009a). The National Minimum Wage (adults now receive  £5.52 an hour) continues to have an impact on the fast food market. These increases can have a major effect on the cost base of the larger chicken and burger bar operators, particularly when you consider KFC has some 8,000 employees in the UK (Mintel, 209b). The introduction of the Licensing Act 2003 (for England and Wales) in 2005 has led to many pubs having extended opening hours, generating further competition for fast-food chains, both in terms of the later nights and daytime trade (Mintel, 2009b). Health trend away from fried foods: According to campaign group Consensus Action On Salt and Health, some meals from top fast food chains conceal shockingly high salt levels. The worst contain more than double a childs recommended daily salt intake in a single meal. Customers react negatively to this news (Mintel, 2009x) Recent survey by Mintel (2009) states that growth in fast food industry has slowed in recent years. It implies of an intense competition in the eating out market and the maturing of the. BCG MATRIX KFC uses large amounts of cash and is leader in the business so since it is a leader it should use a large amount of cash. The company has the worst cash characteristics of all, because there are high demands and low returns due to low market share. If there is not market share, question marks will simply take in great amounts of cash and when the growth will stop then there will be a dog. CASH COW Profits and cash generation should be high, and because of the low growth, investments were low. Keep profits high DOGS KFC should avoid and minimize the dogs in the company. As I mentioned before the BCG Matrix of KFC is depending totally from the YAM! Company which includes as well the other companies the referent standard is the industry growth rate measured against the SBUs growth rate. Product life cycle All the products have their life cycle whether it is very successful or not. The life cycle has four stages. The first stage is the introduction of the product and such an example will be the hot wings. The second stage is the growth of the product and the product is the hot shots. The third stage is the maturity and the product is zinger, chicken mania, chicken burger. And the fourth stage is the decline which is the twister. Task environment My company diversified in many industries and for each industry has different suppliers. It audits its suppliers for compliance and non compliance. Kentucky Fried Chicken Garcia, Augie. Discussions, March 12, 1999 applied marketing Mr. Muhammad Nouman BBC (2008). Call for corporate tax clampdown. Available at uk/1/hi /uk_politics/7681165.stm. Accessed 3 January 2009 Mintel (2009m). Proposed banned on junk food advertising could be extended. Available online at: Accessed 07 March 2009 Office for National Statistics (2009). Latest indicators. Available online at: Accessed 09 March 2009 Hickman M. (2007): First the credit crunch now the spending squeeze, The Independent on Sunday (2007) Thursday, 13 September 2007. Bird K and Hughes D. (1997). Ethical Consumerism: The Case Of Fairly-Traded Coffee. Business Ethics A European Review Volume 6 Issue 3,Pages159-167 Mintel (2009p). KFC reduces packaging. (27/1/2009). Available online at: Accessed 08 March 2009 Mintel (2009c). Internal market environment. Available online at Accessed 07 March 2009. Mintel (2009a4). Chicken and Burger Bar UK March 2008: Market in brief. Available online at: Accessed 07 March 2009 Mintel (2009d). Burgers UK 2008. Available online at Accessed 07 March 2009 Avinash, W. and Minh. Q. H. (2008) How Can Internet Service Providers Tap into the Potentially-Lucrative Small Business Market? International Journal of E-Business Research, 4(1), p.82-98 The Economist (2007). The world in figures: industries. The world in 2008. p124, 126.

History of Modern Psychology: Anna Freud

History of Modern Psychology: Anna Freud Male visionaries dominated in the philosophical contributions to the psychology as a formal discipline; however, many prominent women pioneered major roles in psychology history between 1850 and 1950 (Goodwin, 2005). Freud Sigmund was not only among the Freudian to build credibility in psychology field, this is because Anna Freud-her youngest daughter took career in psychology and made important contributions in the history of psychology. The paper will discuss the background of Anna, her theoretical perspective, and the contributions she made to the field of psychology. Anna’s Background Martha and Sigmund had six children, the youngest was Anna born in December 1895. Anna was a mischievous girl who had great admiration the work of her father (Young-Bruehl, 1988). However, she grew separate from her siblings and her mother. Sigmund Freud reciprocated Anna’s adoration and at one time, he wrote of her stating, â€Å"Anna has turned absolute beautiful through naughtiness†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Boeree, 1998, pg 64) Frequently, Anna spoke of her competition feelings against her sister Sophie- the beautiful child of Freud and Anna the brains of Freud family. There was a strained bond between Anna and her mother Martha and the other siblings because their nanny, Jose Cihlarz, took care of them. Anna finished her education at Cottage Lyceum in Vienna in 1912 and was not sure about her future path of career. Anna travelled to Britain in 1914 to grow her English skills but retuned to Vienna after a declaration of war. She got the credentials of teaching and started teaching at her former school. She showed great interest in the field of child psychology after taking much of her time teaching and observing her pupils. Anna decided to abandon being only a teacher to help the children and pursue a career in the footsteps of her father of psychoanalysis. Sigmund developed the interest of Anna in psychology filed at a young age of 14 years when he allowed Anna to read his works and writings about psychoanalysis. In addition, Sigmund began to analyze the dreams on Anna nighttime in 1918, and Anna accompanied her father to the 1920 International Psychoanalytic Congress. Anna met many of Sigmund’s friends and colleagues, including Lou Andreas-Salome, the psychoanalyst. Later on Lou became a confident of Anna. Vienna Psychoanalytic Society accepted Anna as a member after she presented her Daydreams and Beating Fantasies (Young-Bruehl, 1988). Anna kept on attending meetings of psychoanalytic, followed the publications and the works of her father, analyzed patients, and translated papers. Anna had developed her role as an important contributor to the child psychology field when she began her practice in psychoanalysis with young children. Anna taught seminars at Vienna Psychoanalytic Institute and she published her first work, Techni que of Child Analysis. Her father-Sigmund became very ill after he was diagnosed with cancer and went through several surgical operations. Sigmund needed regular nursing to get well. Anna never wanted to leave the side of her father and gave him full-time care of nursing. Nevertheless, Anna managed to continue with her with the children. Unfortunately, Sigmund passed away due to his illness in 1913, almost the same time WWII began (Coles, 1992). Anna followed the footsteps of her father with psychoanalysis, but put her emphasis and focus on improving the techniques of learning children instead of adults. She became fully immersed in designing efficient and effective mechanisms to psychoanalyze children. Modern child psychology and ego psychology still use the techniques developed by Anna (Young-Bruehl, 1988). Theoretical Perspective and Contributions of Anna Anna was the successor of her father with her work and research in child psychology and ego psychology (Coles, 1992). She remained honest to her father’s core ideas and themes of psychodynamic theory even though some of the followers of her father abandoned his beliefs. However, she mainly focused on psyche dynamics instead of psyche structures. Anna wrote and published The Mechanisms of Defense and The Ego that gave a description how defenses work and apparently showed the ego is the observation seat from where people observe and works for the concept and the unconscious and superego, and study deserves in its mandate. Ego psychology usually represents the followers of Anna and Sigmund Freud teachings (Coles, 1992). Present day ego psychology is loyal to Freud’s work with a foundation of psychoanalysis, although it is more ordinary and practical of the ego in the application of psychoanalysis. Anna Freud mentored Erikson Erik, who is popular for his expansion works in ego psychology field and psychoanalysis (Goodwin, 2005). The mentorship of Anna influence Erik professional and academic career in psychology. Anna and Erik when he was tutoring children in Heitzing School managed by Dorothy Burlingham, a longtime friend of Anna. Anna saw the skillful manner of Erikson with the children and showed her interest in guiding Erik to study more regarding child psychology. According to Young-Bruehl, (1988) the main passion of Anna was child psychology. Anna devoted most her energy and time analyzing and studying children suffering traumas, majorly from the effects of the war. Most of the children were predisposed to lasting traumas, while others were blind or handicapped. Anna normally stated that she was happy she did not have her own children, despite the years on her life she devoted to help children she barely knew. Sigmund had focused entirely on adults that sorted through the recollections of childhood instead of current events. The desire of Anna was to work with children suffering from current traumas to prevent any psychological challenges in adulthood (Boeree, 1998). Anna learned children and their own surrounding and became a dependable therapist in dealing with the transference challenges. Reports showed that Anna was a caring adult and was not a substitute guardian, playmate, or parent during the sessions of therapy. The technique of Anna enabled a trusting and stable relationship between the child, the parents, and the therapist (Coles, 1992). The biggest challenge in the cancelling of Anna was communication among the therapist and the children. It is easy for adults to convey their thoughts, beliefs, ideas and emotions verbally whereas young children are inept to act so with accordance. She was unable to use her father’s cure of talking with the children, due to their incapability to verbalize their ideas and thoughts. Children seem to express their feelings and emotions more differently than the adults do. This influenced Anna to develop techniques particularly made to help the children. Anna Freud had the responsibility of putting up a war nursery at Hampstead Child Therapy Clinic. She and Dorothy Burlingham run the clinic and motivated the children at the nursery to create attachments to manage war trauma. Working hand in hand with the children influenced her to publish many studies and research concerning children in stress during wartime, such as, Infants without Families, War and Children, and Young Children in Wartime (Boeree, 1998). She was able to improve her observation of parental deficiency in young children during traumatic period when orphans from concentration camps were put in Bulldogs Bank home (Boeree, 1998). Anna reported, analyzed and observed her outcomes in an experiment in a group upbringing that gave report of the children’s natural capabilities to create close relations with peers as a substitute of parents. In 1945, Hampstead nursery closed due to the end of the war. Shortly after this closure, Hampstead Child Therapy Clinic and Course opened under Anna’s management. The clinic offered analytic therapy, counseling, and a training in child treatment and analysis (Coles, 1992). The clinic became largest and comprehensive facility devoted the worlds to the treatment and analysis of children. Anna worked as the director, consultant and training analyst of the clinic from 1952 until her passing in 1982. New York Times gave a quote by Anna about her significant work with the children: I begun as a teacher of an elementary school. I changed from teaching to child analysis field. Henceforth, I moved continually back and forth, from the theoretical research of these challenges to their application practically. It is a fact that a person can have special luck to do this, and that many people don not have this luck (Goodwin, 2005). Conclusion Freud Anna was born 1895 and passed 1982 (Young-Bruehl, 1988). In those years, Anna made important contributions in the psychology field. Her professional and academic career shows her leaps and bounds in comprehending the nature of humans, mental processes, emotions and behaviors in present psychology (Coles, 1992). She endured being called Sigmund daughter to become a prominent female psychologist in a field and period where the men dominated publications and research. Anna is a true successor of her father and influenced the psychology field as a formal discipline with innovative therapeutic and observation techniques. The works of Anna are historical and worthy discussion, despite of some modern day psychologist agreeing or disagreeing with any of the Freudian perspectives. References Boeree, G. C. (1998). Anna Freud. Personality Theories. Retrieved from Coles, Robert (1992). Anna Freud: The dream of psychoanalysis. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. Goodwin, C. J. (2005). A history of modern psychology (2nd Ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Young-Bruehl, E. (1988).Anna Freud: A biography. New York: Summit Books

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Second Earl Of Rochester Essay -- essays research papers

The satirists shared a talent for making other individuals feel uncomfortable, particularly by making them aware of their own moral inadequacies. They used irony, derision, and wit to attack human vice or folly. One method the satirist utilized to catch their readers' attention, while also making them feel uncomfortable, was to describe those things that were deemed inappropriate to discuss openly in society. The classical example of a topic that was discussed behind closed doors, yet the satirist used freely, was sex. Mention of such things as sex can always bring a giggle, excite feelings of hidden passion, or make one's cheeks rosy from embarrassment. John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester, and Jonathan Swift, were two satirist that were noted for using perverse language and graphic depictions to elicit desired emotions from their readers and to wage their attacks on human folly. To understand Rochester's use of sex in his work, one must understand his distaste for reason. This can be seen in his poem, A Satyr Against Mankind, when he comments: "Women and Men of wit, are dang'rous tools, and ever fatal to admiring fools." Rochester viewed reason as a vice rather than an admirable trait in man. When man followed a course of action that was advised by reason he turned into a coward who often betrayed his ideals, his family, and his friends. Rochester believed that to enjoy true happiness one must follow a course dictated by passion. Unlike reason, the passions do not betray one's senses and ideals. According to Rochester, the passions define who an individual is because the passions encompass one's emotions and desires. Reason cannot fully comprehend such a thing. Rochester highlights this belief in his poem's with tales of lust and sexual innuendoes. He uses perverse language and topics not only to mock those that believe reason is the human faculty that can bring about self-satisfaction, but also to describe to his readers that sensual pleasure is the highest pleasure because sensual pleasure is derived from passion, not reason. Rochester's poems rarely discuss love in the traditional sense; rather, he discusses it in a bodily context. Naturally, this would bring about the ire in any moralist. His poems make reference to ancient figures that draw on images of mass orgies and debauchery. He often uses language that elicits images of human... ...llivers Travels not only excite the attention of the reader but they also leave the reader with a very pessimistic impression of the modern world. If Gulliver had left a description of a pile of soil instead of his urination procedure, the reader would perhaps view his work as boring, but not as comedic or repulsive. The tales would have lost their derogatory tone, their satirical edge, and their comedic nature had Swift not used such images. Such images and language are a unique element of satirical writing. Satirist wanted to attack the vices of the community and impress an image on their readers. They, however, could not accomplish this through bland social commentary. Every literary style has certain tools to capture its audiences. The romantics used fruitful language and supernatural images. The realist used images and words that photographed how life really was. The satirist used wit, irony, sarcasm, as well as crude images and language. If they failed to use these tools then their attacks were not heeded and their words were not remembered. Rochester and Swift did not fail to use their satirical qualities and their impression on the literary world remains to this day.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Characteristics of a Hero Essay -- essays research papers

Characteristics of a Hero â€Å"A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself† (Campbell 1). When we think of heroes most of us think of movie stars or professional athletes, but it’s not always about your popularity or talent it can also be about how you help society. What I think make a great hero is someone who is able to overcome his or her obstacles in life, is highly motivated, and has plenty of bravery.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Overcoming obstacles may be one of the hardest parts of being a hero. I think it’s the hardest because a lot of people are blocked from doing something and just quit. A great example of this trait is Jackie Robinson. He was discriminated against because he was African-American. Even though that blocked him he broke the color barrier, and made...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Bloodless Revolution

â€Å"THE BLOODLESS REVOLUTION†. Talking about the first coverage, Economic Crisis’ causes and results are one of the main root cause of ‘Martial Law’ back then. Economy of many developing countries, including the Philippines, has reached its instability in its peak. When Ninoy Aquino was assassinated, many have now the courage to protest and do demonstrations against Marcos Regime whether or not in Manila which caused investors to back out since they are afraid of economical instability that had been continuously brought by these protests. Since there is already economic crisis that time, many are fired from their jobs thus, leaving the country to widespread unemployment and these unemployed Filipinos joined the rallies and marches leading to more popular grievances and discontent. Human rights violation were rampant and landlordism and poverty grew. Due to his criticisms not only in the country but from other nations as well, Marcos declared ‘Snap Elections’ with Cory Aquino as his main rival. He won evetually because of massive fraudility. This has enraged Filipinos with their leader C. Aquino and boycott Marcos’ allies’ companies. This has led to greater protests and marches and apparently, bloodless revolution took place with the help of Jaime Cardinal Sin, Agapito Aquino, Juan Ponce Enrile, Fidel Ramos, religious organizations, and most importantly, the Filipino people. Marcos has left the country with his family and went to Hawaii through the help of US Air Force. Cory Aquino has been declared by the mass as the President of the Philippines with her Vice President Laurel and implemented the 1987 Constitution which replaced the merciless ‘Martial Law’ of Marcos People Power Movement refers to the popular uprising that ousted Philippine president Ferdinand E. Marcos in February 1986. Also known as the EDSA Revolution, the uprising was in reaction to the massive fraud and violence unleashed by the government to ensure that Marcos and vicepresidential candidate Arturo Tolentino would win the so-called snap  elections  that Marcos had called earlier that month. The opposition ticket was headed by Corazon Aquino, wife of former Senator Benigno â€Å"Ninoy† Aquino, who was assassinated in 1983 by  elements  of the Philippine  military  as he debarked his plane at the  Manila  International Airport  (since renamed Ninoy Aquino  International  Airport). Many believed that Aquino and her running mate,  Salvador  Laurel, would have won had the  electionsbeen fair and honest. Massive demonstrations were held in front of Malacanang (the  presidential  palace) and two  military  camps located at Epifanio de los Santos Avenue (EDSA). The peaceful uprising became a model for other countries wishing to change their government without resort to a  military  coup or a bloody revolution. Having the evaluation, the question that the reporter wanted to ask is that—having now the clearer scenario and better knowledge about the EDSA Revolution I, which is more preferable: DICTATORSHIP or DEMOCRACY? As for my perspective, it would be STILL DEMOCRACY. People will tend to say that dictatorship is better since many Filipinos now are not abiding the law and usage of force in its implementation would be the best solution. But then, I think the main and very problem of out country is the misunderstanding and mis-usage of the word FREEDOM in which DEMOCRACY is quoted with. True Freedom and Democracy would always come with rights and responsibilities as citizens of our country. It is all about change—not for the worse but for the betterment.